Green People Sun Lotion SPF 25 | A Daily Sunscreen Review

Green People SPF25 Sun Lotion

Green People SPF25 Sun Lotion

Overall Performance: 8/10

Price: £5 for 20ml;  £9.95 for 50ml

When it comes to SPF, there are two types of beauties out there. Those keen peepz who apply SPF every single day without fail, and those who prefer to skip on the sunscreen and let the skin produce Vit D naturally.

The clue is in the title of this post – I belong to the former category.

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Pai Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil | A Rave Review

Pai Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil

Pai Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil

Overall Performance: 8.5/10

Price: £20

Those who practice an all natural skincare regime would already be familiar with the benefits of using an oil on your skin. Contrary to popular beliefs, using an oil will not clog pores. Rather, it could reduce the over-production of oil which is often a result of the skin being too dry. If you, like me, are suffering from extremely dry skin but would occasionally get a shinny forehead – trust me, oils are now your new best friend.

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Argentum Apothecary La Potion Infinie | An Honest Review

La Potion Infinie

La Potion Infinie

Overall Performance: 6/10

Price: £147

I am always a sucker for expensive, luxurious skincare. When I first came across Argentum Apothecary’s La Potion Infinie, I was basically salivating to get my paws on it, especially after reading all the rave reviews about it all over the web. It boasts a 99.5% nature derived ingredients – the star of the cream being Silver Hydrosol and DNA HP. La Potion Infinie promises a reduction of breakouts by regulating the skin’s flora, and an increase of the skin’s hydration by carrying 10,000 times its weight in water. 

But I’m sad to say that, this cream is not for me.

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